How to Fix Naked Domain On Blogger Custom Domain

The https error and naked domain Issus are The worst and Most common problems Blogspot bloggers face, when switching into a custom domain Using Blogger Platform Or blogger Hosting. However I my self face this problem and it took me 2 days to solve it So you are not alone.
How to fix Naked Domain Error on blogger? How to fix https blogger error?

Anyway i have done a lot of research since I Faced this Problem and Unfortunately I found no-one Explaining how to solve this problem. So if you are looking on how to fix This. your are the right place. And  I'm going to help you today, Solving this Problem permanently without any bad effecting. 


Setup Blogger Custom Domain

Moving into a custom domain Is the best Idea And the Greatest Step you have ever taken. Yes absolutely yes.

Blogger is a great platform to star a blogging, it's free and easy to use with millions of Free and paid Templates that you can dowload from thousands of places.

Why custom domain? 

Custom domain is s great option and it can help your website a lot. It presents a freedom and ownership of your Website not on (

It can also help you through adsense becouse you my not get aproved using .subdomain while you might or not get aproved using custom domain.

It can also help your website rank well on Search Engines.

Setup A Custom Domain 

To Setup your New Custom Domain on your Blogger Blogspot Follow this steps.

Step 1:  hit to And Sigup Your Blogger Account Or Creat new Account if you havent done yet. you can both Creat New account or use your existing google account. If you already have and account, go a head to the next step.

Step 2: Purchase New Domain name from a your favourite domain Provider Or or get it from Google domains.

If you get it from google domains it's simple. google will automatically link your domain to your Blogger Easily. else use a server provider you want.

Once the domain has done and activated You can connect to your blogger Blog.

Step 3: Setup your domain name with blogger. This step is not required fot those who are registered their domain from google domains.

So to setup your domain go a head and follow the steps below.

1: Click on Blogger to reach Administrator dashboard. 

2: Go to settings > Basic > Under Puplishing  Click Custom domain.

3: Inter the custom domain name starting with www ( instead of your and click Save.

4: You will get an error message with required information and instructions. To fix Go to your domain name registered and find manage domain click on DNS(Domain Name System) and enter the required steps. 

To enter this information Add A New Record with CNAME and Enter the following Steps mentioned in below.

Creat DN 'A' Records

In this section you need to add your DNS Records.

Once you have entered your domain into the blogger, You'll get an error with two CNAMEs:

Blog CNAME: For name, enter the name as the subdomain, like "blog." or "www." For destination, enter “”

Security CNAME:  “Name: XXX, Destination: XXX.” This is different for each person and is specific to your blog and your Google Account.

To add go Your Domain Name Provider click On Manage Domain, Go to DNS Manager, Click Add Record. 

How to fix Naked Domain Error? How to fix https blogger error?

When you See the Records in the Form. Go Back to Blogger And Copy the Error Instructions Finding The Name and Destination. As well Choose CNAMEs from the Type in the Dropdown box and click add Record.

After all, Preceed Or move back to your Blogger Settings And Click Save.

To activate your DNS Settings, Wait at least one hour.

Thats all you have successfully added your custom domain to your blogger and become the owner of your website. You can migrate your data and move your site into Wordpress and get host one ever you need it.

But, you have still my face some issues redirecting your site for https, http Or Naked Domain.

To solve this move the last Step to fix this issu as soon. 

Redirect Your Naked Domain to WWW

To redirect your blog readers from to without getting error page you need to setup naked redirect. To do so you need to go back to your domain Provider's Site, Again click DNS Settings And Creat new Record. After that Add this  4 A-records that point to Google IPs.

Note: you need four separate A-Records which point to four different Google IPs. For each A record, the host name should be @. By describing the host @, you are explaining the domain registrar/handler to visit the defined IPs for naked domain without www. 

One More Step You Also Need to turn On  redirect Domain , HTTPS Availability and HTTPS Redirect.
To do, Go to settings, under Puplishing See Redirect Domain and Turn it on. Scroll down and a bit and under HTTPS Turn on https availability and https redirect both
How to fix Naked Domain Error? How to fix https blogger error?
Make sure to enable redirection of the naked domain to www in your blog’s settings. Becouse, Google servers might not recognize your your domain without www.

Once you have done the necessary steps your Blog will show Up For both www And non-www.
To check visit your blog and remove anyhing before your domain name Eg:
Remove the Red part and click Search If you notice No changes has happened you should wait a minimum of 10-60 minutes.


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